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Raising invoices as 0 pay interval
Raising invoices as 0 pay interval
Sophie Fairbanks avatar
Written by Sophie Fairbanks
Updated this week

Within both the Timesheet import, and Manual Timesheet screens, the system will already highlight if you are about to generate an invoice for a worker who already has an invoice created for the same week ending (w/e). Unless manually overridden, this invoice will be created with at least 1 pay interval. As such, when the recently created invoice is ran through payroll, the system will attempt to deduct an additional margin for the already processed w/e due to the logic that margin is charged based on the amount of pay intervals.

In an attempt to reduce the manual overrides for additional w/e’s in terms of margin charges, we have now introduced a setting within Company settings – Payroll settings which, when toggled on, will automatically reduce the pay interval to 0 for the most recent invoice with the matching w/e date.

*NOTE: This will only reduce the pay interval for the recent w/e if the first invoice has already been processed through the payroll engine.

By reducing the pay interval of the most recent invoice to 0 means that it will not attempt to take an additional margin charge for that week. If an invoice is created with an overall pay interval of 0 (i.e. you have only have additional hours for a previous w/e on this recent invoice), you will still need to process this with another invoice with at least 1 pay interval.

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